"What's Bitcoin?"

Genius Foundation
5 min readJun 27, 2023



Bitcoin, the renowned digital currency, has been making waves in the financial world. However, many people are still unfamiliar with what it truly represents. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of Bitcoin and shed light on its significance.

Understanding Bitcoin:

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that was introduced in 2009 by an anonymous individual or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments, Bitcoin operates on a technology called blockchain, which ensures transparency and security in transactions.

Key Features of Bitcoin:

  • 1. Decentralization: Bitcoin operates without a central authority, such as a government or bank, overseeing its transactions. This decentralized nature empowers individuals with more control over their money.
  • 2. Limited Supply: Unlike fiat currencies that can be printed indefinitely, Bitcoin has a finite supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity makes it immune to inflation and protects its long-term value.
  • 3. Security: Transactions made with Bitcoin are secured through advanced cryptographic techniques. This ensures that each transaction is verified and recorded on the blockchain, making it extremely difficult to manipulate or counterfeit.

Benefits and Potential:

Bitcoin offers several advantages, including:

  • - Fast and Low-Cost Transactions: Bitcoin transactions can be processed quickly and at a lower cost compared to traditional banking systems or international wire transfers.
  • - Financial Inclusion: Bitcoin provides access to financial services for unbanked individuals who may not have access to traditional banking services.
  • - Investment Opportunities: Bitcoin has gained popularity as a speculative investment, with the potential for significant returns over time.


Bitcoin is a groundbreaking digital currency that has revolutionized the concept of money. Its decentralized nature, limited supply, and advanced security features make it an appealing alternative to traditional currencies. As Bitcoin continues to gain acceptance worldwide, it is important for individuals to understand its fundamentals and potential implications for the future of finance.

"What People Don’t Know About Bitcoin"


Bitcoin has been a subject of fascination and speculation for many, but there are still aspects of this digital currency that remain unknown to the general public. In this article, we will uncover some lesser-known facts about Bitcoin, providing readers with a deeper understanding of its intricacies.

  • 1. Pseudonymous Nature:
  • Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin transactions are not entirely anonymous but rather pseudonymous. While transactions on the blockchain are public and can be viewed by anyone, the identities behind these transactions are not explicitly revealed. Instead, users are identified by their unique Bitcoin addresses, adding a layer of privacy.
  • 2. Satoshis and Divisibility:
  • Bitcoin is divisible up to eight decimal places, with the smallest unit being called a "satoshi." This divisibility allows for microtransactions and makes Bitcoin usable for even the smallest financial transactions.
  • 3. Lost Bitcoins:
lost bitcoins
  • It is estimated that a significant number of Bitcoins have been lost forever. This can happen if users misplace their private keys or lose access to their wallets. As Bitcoin wallets are not connected to any central authority, recovering lost Bitcoins can be extremely challenging, if not impossible.
  • 4. Energy Consumption:
  • Bitcoin mining, the process by which new Bitcoins are created and transactions are verified, requires substantial computational power. As a result, Bitcoin mining consumes a considerable amount of energy. However, it’s worth noting that advancements are being made to improve the efficiency and sustainability of Bitcoin mining.


Bitcoin is a complex and evolving digital currency that continues to surprise even the most seasoned observers. Its pseudonymous nature, divisibility, the phenomenon of lost Bitcoins, and the energy consumption associated with mining are just a few lesser-known aspects that contribute to its unique character. As Bitcoin gains more attention and adoption, it is crucial for individuals to stay informed about its intricacies to make well-informed decisions.

"Why Saving Bitcoin is Better Than Saving at a Bank or Saving Gold"


Traditional forms of saving, such as depositing money in a bank account or investing in gold, have long been considered reliable options. However, the emergence of Bitcoin has introduced a new alternative with unique advantages. In this article, we will explore why saving Bitcoin can be more advantageous compared to saving at a bank or investing in gold.

1. Potential for Greater Returns:

Bitcoin has exhibited significant growth and has outperformed many traditional investments. Its decentralized nature, limited supply, and growing adoption contribute to its potential for substantial returns. Historical data suggests that Bitcoin has experienced remarkable value appreciation over time, making it an attractive long-term investment.

2. Protection against Inflation:

Unlike fiat currencies, which can be devalued due to inflationary pressures, Bitcoin is designed to be deflationary. With a limited supply and predetermined issuance schedule, Bitcoin's scarcity acts as a safeguard against inflation. This makes it a more effective store of value in times of economic uncertainty.

3. Financial Sovereignty:

Bitcoin offers individuals complete control and ownership over their funds. Traditional banking systems may impose restrictions on withdrawals or have centralized control over customer accounts. By saving in Bitcoin, individuals can bypass intermediaries, allowing for greater financial autonomy and reducing the risk of government interventions or freezing of assets.

4. Accessibility and Global Reach:

Bitcoin transcends borders, enabling seamless cross-border transactions without the need for intermediaries or lengthy processing times. This accessibility makes it particularly valuable for individuals in countries with limited access to traditional banking services or unstable economies.


Bitcoin's unique properties and its potential for greater returns, protection against inflation, financial sovereignty, and global accessibility make it an increasingly attractive option for savers and investors. While traditional forms of saving have their merits, Bitcoin offers distinct advantages that cannot be ignored. However, it's essential to approach Bitcoin with proper understanding, taking into account its volatility and potential risks. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, Bitcoin is likely to play an increasingly significant role in the financial landscape.

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